

Hi, I'm Sarah.

In a world full of unknowns as a parent - here is what I know.

I know that humans (regardless of age) are happiest when we do things WITH them, rather than to or for them.  Not the superficial happy - 'I found this shirt on sale' kind of happy - but the deep down in our bones happy.  This happy is self-generated when we are able to fully exist with one another.  

I know that in order to teach you must be able to learn.  I know that we are all capable as learners and teachers.  I know that much of what we bring into our parenting is largely subconscious - passed onto us almost like an invisible inheritance.  We get to decide what to take from that inheritance, but just as importantly, what to leave. We can replace the habits or ideas that don’t serve us or our children with an approach that feels more authentic and effective.

I believe that when parents have access to valuable research and information they are better equipped in their role as parents.  I also know that finding the time to sift through the research can take us away from time with our children - leaving us with an impossible choice - spend time learning about the current phase of development so we can make the most of the the fleeting stage OR spend time with our children - period.  We shouldn't have to make that choice.

This is why Pause Parent Repeat was born - to build the AND between learning as parents and fully living life with our children.

                                                                    with L.O.V.E,

